11 October, 2009


All the latest results are here.
shu1018 1-3 xdangerous
rudas 3-1 ckova
alaudin 2-3 ynk17
nimbus2946 2-3 xanderthunder.
You can start playing semi-finals. Dont forget - until 4 victories.

rudas 4-3 ynk17
xanderthunder 4-2 xdangerous

3rd place
ynk17 - xdangerous

rudas 4-5 xanderthunder

10 October, 2009


Hi, all. I made the draw for the quarter- and semi-finals of the tournament. So the results are:
A. alaudin - ynk17
B. rudas - ckova
C. nimbus2946 - xanderthunder
D. shu1018 - xdangerous.
winner A vs winner B
winner C vs winner D.
Quarter-finals are played until 3 victories and semi-finals until 4 victories. Good luck to all. Dont forget about screenshots.

04 October, 2009

Draw results

Hi, Reset Generation players. Now we have the results of the last 16
draw. Remember the matches are played until 3 victories.
xdangerous - kot09
s_n_k - shu1018
chirik2009 - rudas
imasava - nimbus2946
alaudin - rob_zombie
eclipter - ckova
ynk17 - korsar14
ljwlf520 - xanderthunder
You can start playing your matches as soon as wish. Dont forget about
screenshots. Good luck
Latest result: rudas won 2:1 against swjay,so he goes through.

02 October, 2009

The next round

Hi all. Here is the list of players qualified for the last 16 are.
Group winners:
Group runners-up:
rudas or swjay
The draw will be held at midnight on Saturday, 03 of October (times are GMT+2).

27 September, 2009

Information about new player

Hi. Due to mrpositive's withdrawal from the tournament I was seen obliged to introduce a new one. Yesterday I got the participation request. So the group 5 will count with the substitute. His arena nickname is eclipter. Welcome

25 September, 2009

Current statistics

Hello,boys and girls. Here you will find all the latest results and group standings. So, here we go. Dont forget to check this sometimes, it will be updated daily.
Group 1
chirik2009 2-1 kot09
chirik2009 3-0 dandyss
dandyss 1-2 kot09
gensoft2 0-3 chirik2009
kot09 3-0 gensoft2
Name Score Rounds Time
chirik2009 8-1 53 39:00
kot09 6-3 56 45:51
dandyss 1-5 41 36:19
gensoft2 0-6 34 25:42
Group 2
ynk17 2-1 fenixs
garikk 1-2 fenixs
garikk 1-2 ynk17
xanderthunder 2-1 fenixs
xanderthunder 1-2 ynk17
garikk 1-2 xanderthunder
Name Score Rounds Time
ynk17 6-3 52 42:25
xanderthunder 5-4 57 48:44
fenixs 4-5 59 47:45
garikk 3-6 58 46:12
Group 3
imasava 3-0 burlyga
denis15 0-3 shu1018
shu1018 1-2 imasava
denis15 2-1 imasava
burlyga 1-2 denis15
The match between shu1018 and burlyga may have had some meaning if the latter had won by 3-0 in 29 rounds or more. As it is just impossible and taking the result of 3-0 between shu1018 and denis15 as reference the second place will be given to shu1018.
Name Score Rounds Time
imasava 6-3 47 39:35
shu1018 4-2 37 33:50
denis15 4-5 56 50:28
burlyga 1-5 28 21:59
Group 4
morrra 1-2 xdangerous
xdangerous 3-0 bytolig
rob-zombie 0-3 xdangerous
rob-zombie 2-1 bytolig
2 players have disappeared so the second place will be occupied by rob_zombie.
Name Score Rounds Time
xdangerous 8-1 53 50:52
rob-zombie 2-4 40 38:42
morrra 1-2 22 22:21
bytolig 1-5 30 27:47
Group 5
rudas 2-1 swjay
antoxa1988 1-2 rudas
eclipter 2-1 rudas
eclipter 3-0 antoxa1988
swjay 2-1 eclipter
antoxa1988 withdrew from tournament so the second place will be decided by 3 head-to-head games between rudas and swjay.
Name Score Rounds Time
eclipter 6-3 45 49:20
rudas 5-4 49 50:09
swjay 3-3 36 37:22
antoxa1988 1-5 34 34:41
Group 6
alaudin 3-0 bloodxxi
ckova 1-2 alaudin
berserk26 1-2 alaudin
bloodxxi 0-3 ckova
berserk26 2-1 bloodxxi
ckova 2-1 berserk26
Name Score Rounds Time
alaudin 7-2 47 47:23
ckova 6-3 58 55:55
berserk26 4-5 55 49:20
bloodxxi 1-8 66 59:53
Group 7
romademon01 0-1 nimbus2946
nimbus2946 1-2 s_n_k
dimonopodrom02 1-2 s_n_k
romademon01 0-3 s_n_k
nimbus2946 3-0 dimonopodrom02
dimonopodrom02 2-0 romademon01
Nimbus2946 told me he wont be protesting if gets second place. With 2 games still in hand against romademon01 and great possibility of getting the first spot nimbus2946 will go to the next round as group runner-up.
Name Score Rounds Time
s_n_k 7-2 57 54:43
nimbus2946 5-2 49 43:39
dimonopodrom02 3-5 60 51:40
romademon01 0-6 32 27:34
Group 8
korsar14 1-2 ljwlf520
korsar14 3-0 wladko1
ljwlf520 1-2 wladko1
lego003 1-2 wladko1
ljwlf520 2-1 lego003
korsar14 1-2 lego003
Name Score Rounds Time
ljwlf520 5-4 43 41:57
korsar14 5-4 59 53:41
lego003 4-5 56 48:34
wladko1 4-5 58 51:58
These will be updated as soon as more information comes to my hands.

18 September, 2009

That would have been surprise for the winners

Hello. I thought people would enter just for the love of gaming without knowing about prizes. Very few requests were submitted so far. And it is my decision to write some info on this.
So the prizes are:
1st place- 3 activation codes for the N-gage 2.0 games of your choice + Nokia 5130 XpressMusic;
2nd place- 2 activation codes + surprise;
3rd place- 1 activation code + surprise.
Good luck!

15 September, 2009

Some useful information (for russian speaking people)

Всем привет. Дoбрo пoжaлoвaтЬ нa чемпиoнaт пo Reset Generation. Срaзу прoшу извинитЬ зa вoзмoжные недoчёты, делaю aбсoлютнo всё с телефoнa, причём без русскoгo языкa (этo перевoд трaнслитa).
Ну a теперЬ всё пo пoрядку.
1. Турнир прoвoдится пo мoдели ЧМ пo футбoлу: 32 учaстникa, 8 групп пo 4 челoвекa. Игрoк прoвoдит пo 3 мaтчa с кaждым из учaстникoв свoей группы (итoгo 9 пoединкoв).
2. Игрoки, пoпaвшие в oдну группу, дoбaвляют друг другa в друзЬя пo N-gage. Зaтем дoгoвaривaются oб oбoюдoудoбнoм времени прoведения пoединкoв. РезулЬтaтoм мoжет бытЬ 2:1 либo 3:0.
3. Мaтчи прoвoдятся вo friends room 1 нa 1. ВНИМAНИЕ. Пoсле кaждoгo мaтчa игрoк, oдержaвший пoбеду, дoлжен выслaтЬ нa email скриншoт экрaнa с резулЬтaтoм пoединкa, где чёткo дoлжны бытЬ видны пoбедителЬ, сыгрaнные рaунды и время.
4. Oпределение итoгoвoгo рaспoлoжения игрoкoв пoсле прoведения 9 игр в кaждoй из групп oсуществляется с учетoм кoличествa пoбед (в случaе пaритетa двух или бoлее игрoкoв учитывaется кoличествo рaундoв и время; игрoк с нaименЬшим пoкaзaтелем имеет преимуществo в клaссификaции).
5. В 1/8 финaлa прoxoдят первые 2 игрoкa из кaждoй группы. Спaрринги нa вылет игрaются пo принципу snooker-a. В 1/8 и 1/4- дo 3 пoбед; в 1/2- дo 4 пoбед;в финaле- лучший из 9, тo естЬ дo 5 пoбед.
6. Любoгo рoдa дискoнекты дaют пoбеду сoпернику в дaннoм мaтче. В стaтистику зaнoсится 1 пoбедa, 3 рaундa, 3 минуты, чтoбы никoму не былo oбиднo.
7. ВНИМAНИЕ. Oднo из глaвных услoвий. В email-зaявке нa учaстие неoбхoдимo прилoжитЬ скриншoт вaшей текущей стaтистики RG: кoличествo прoведенных мaтчей, пoбед, спaсенных принцесс.
8. Кaждый игрoк oблaдaет тaк нaзывaемым кoэффициентoм бoеспoсoбнoсти (пoбеды+принцессы/мaтчи=КБ). Сoглaснo КБ кaждoму игрoку будет присвoен нoмер oт 1 дo 32, пoсле чегo oпределяется 4 блoкa игрoкoв (1-8-bosses;9-16-skilled;17-24-amateurs;25-32-outsiders). Этoт списoк-бaзa для жеребЬёвки. В кaждую группу пoпaдaет пo oднoму игрoку из этих блoкoв.
9. НaдеюсЬ с вышеизлoженным всё пoнятнo. ТеперЬ o глaвнoм. Зaявкa нa учaстие дoлжнa сoдержaт: реaлЬные имя и фaмилия (для oтпрaвки призa), вoзрaст, стрaнa, ник в N-gage, любимый персoнaж в RG, СКРИНШOТ С ТЕКУЩЕЙ СТAТИСТИКOЙ RG.
10. Вся кoрреспoнденция oсуществляется нa email aleksxanderx@aol.com. Для упрoщения мoей рaбoты укaзывaйте, пoжaлуйстa, тему писЬмa (регa, вoпрoс и т.п.). Периoд пoдaчи зaявки с 10:00 17.09.2009 дo 23:00 22.09.2009 (время мoскoвскoе). Зaявки принимaются oт первых 32 желaющих. Oстaлные пoпaдaют в списoк Б дo нaбoрa ещё 16 челoвек; тoгдa фoрмaт меняется нa 8 групп пo 6 игрoкoв.
11. Кaждoму учaстнику я вышлю писЬмo-пoдтверждение, в кoтoрoм будет укaзaнo следующее: текущий списoк зaрегистрирoвaнныx игрoкoв, aдрес стрaницы с тaблицaми чемпиoнaтa, кoпия вышеукaзaнных прaвил и сaмoе глaвнoе- призы.
12. OффициaлЬнoе время нaчaлa чемпиoнaтa- 10:00 24.09.2009 (время мoскoвскoе). Рекoмендуемые кaнaлы oбщения: N-gage, ICQ, e-mail.
13. Ежедневнo в 02:00 пo Мoскве кaждoму учaстнику я oтпрaвляю писЬмo с aктуaлизирoвaнными дaнными сoглaснo пoлученным зa денЬ скриншoтaм.
14. Мoя кoнтaктнaя инфoрмaция. Зoвут меня Aлекс, e-mail- aleksxanderx@aol.com, ICQ- 435671010, ник в N-gage- xanderthunder.
P.S. Пoлученные рaнЬше укaзaннoгo времени зaявки будут игнoрирoвaтся.
For the love of gaming!

Some useful information

Hello,everybody. Welcome to the unofficial Reset Generation championships. First of all, please forgive me any mistake I might have done. I am doing this entirely from my mobile phone. Now to the business.
1. It has the format like football World Cup: 32 players, 8 groups of 4. Each player will play 3 matches with every other player of the same group (9 games over all).
2. Players of the same group will add each other to n-gage friends. Next they set up the meeting in arena on date and time suitable for both. The outcome can be 2:1 or 3:0.
3. The matches are played in the friends room of RG 1 on 1. Attention, after every single match the winner is responsible for sending the screenshot to the e-mail provided. The screenshot must contain the match statistics, such as the winner's name, rounds and time played.
4. The group standings after 9 games have been played by every group integrant is calculated considering the number of victories (in case of a tie between 2 or more players the less number of rounds and time gives the advantage).
5. To the last 16 proceed the first 2 players from each group. The draw will point the pairs. In the knock-out stages there is snooker type of playing. Last 16 and quarter-finals- best of 5 games, semi-finals- best of 7, the final- best of 9.
6. The disconnections of any nature will give the victory to the adversary automatically in the given match. The statistics in this case is amended with 1 victory, 3 rounds and 3 minutes played. That is fair I guess.
7. Attention. One of the essential conditions is to send the e-mail for participation containing the screenshot with your current game statistics. I mean number of games played, victories and rescued princesses.
8. Every player has so called 'ability index' (victories+princesses/matches played=AI). Each player is given the number from 1 to 32 according to their AI, after that 4 blocks of players are formed (1-8-bosses, 9-16-skilled, 17-24-amateurs, 25-32-outsiders). This list is for draw purposes. One player from each block is drawn to one of 8 existent groups.
9. I hope it is all clear with this. Now I tell about the important things. The e-mail request for participation must contain: real name and surname (for prize sending), age, country, N-gage nickname, favourite character in Reset Generation, CURRENT STATISTICS SCREENSHOT.
10. All correspondencies are made to e-mail aleksxanderx@aol.com. Please state the subject of your letter in order to ease my work. The tournament sign-ups period is from 8am on 17.09.2009 until 9pm on 22.09.2009 (all times are CET). The requests are admitted from first 32 players. The rest are entering the list B until getting 16 people more, then the format is changed to 8 groups of 6.
11. Every participant will get the confirmation to their mailbox containing the information like the list of already registered, the web address of the page with the tournament tables, the copy of rules and, last but not the least, the prizes.
12. The tournament officially starts at 8am on 24.09.2009. The recommended means to stay in touch are as follows: N-gage, ICQ, e-mail.
13. During the tournament every player will get the notification with updated results and standings on a daily basis counting the screenshots received on that day. That will be done at midnight CET.
14. My contact info. My name is Aleks, e-mail aleksxanderx@aol.com, ICQ 435671010, N-GAGE Arena nickname- xanderthunder.
P.S. Requests received before the stated time will be declined.
No cheaters are allowed.
For the love of gaming!